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전화 자동 음성 안내 영어 표현들


고객센터나 상점에서 이용 가능한 전화 자동안내 영어 표현들

Store's phone message
Welcome to Body Care. All information clerks are on the line now. Your call is being held automatically. Please don't hang up. An information clerk will be with you soon.

Welcome to Body Care
바디 케어 체형 관리 센터에 전화해 주신 것을 환영합니다.

All information clerk are on the line now.
안내원이 모두 지금 통화중입니다.

Your call is being held automatically.
귀하의 전화는 자동으로 연결되오니

Please don't hang up.
끊지 말고 기다려 주십시오.

An information clerk will be with you soon.
곧 안내원과 연결될 것입니다.
*be with(누구) : ~ 와 연결되다.

Phone service
Thank you for calling the Plaza Hotel. If you'd like to ask about reservations, press 1 now. If you'd like to speak to hotel management, press 3 now. If you'd like to ask about our conference room, press 5 now. If you'd like to speak to the guest service, press 8 now. If you want further assistance, please hold for the operator.

Thank you for calling the Plaza Hotel.
플라자 호텔에 전화해 주셔서 감사합니다.

If you'd like to ask about reservations, press 1 now.
예약에 관해 문의하고 싶으시면 1번을,

If you'd like to speak to the hotel management, press 3 now.
호텔 경영부서와 통화하고 싶으시면 3번을,

If you'd like to ask about our conference room, press 5 now.
회의실에 관해서 문의하고 싶으시면 5번을,

If you'd like to speak to the guest service, press 8 now.
객실 서비스부서와 통화하고 싶으시면, 8번을 누르십시오.

If you want futher assistance, please hold for the operator.
그 밖의 경우에는, 교환원이 나올 때까지 끊지 말고 기다리세요.
